"is literally idiot"... right... Clearly this is a joke, Peta is not advocating marital abuse and clearly she is shown to enjoy it. Peta, along with all male enhancement, beer commercials, etc, have recognized the one of the few ways to get through to the average philistine man is to exploit sexual performance. Can't blame them for knowing their audience. I have a feeling 90% of the down votes here are from carnivores that are self conscious of their sexual performance.
1 thing they also don't mention is that when someone goes vegan they have to start taking protein pills and more vitamins because they arent getting the proper nutrition they need from eating vegetables
This is a joke.
"Boyfriend brings it like a tantric pornstar."
She hit her head on the wall during
This commercial was halarious.
This video rules!
Folks need to lighten up, Kevin Nealon does the narration for this video. It's clearly just a tongue-in-cheek joke about some really vigorous, long lasting sex with her newly vegan boyfriend. She doesn't have any bruises, or cuts. Her boyfriend is clearly a hipster nerd who doesn't understand his sex-strength and she is feeling so good she challenged him with a bag of celery.
She got her bottom knocked out folks! I'm sure his penis hurts, too.
have some sex, it's fun!
My problem with this campaign has nothing to do with veganism. It's the positive portrayal of women getting physically injured by their boyfriends. Yes, I get the "joke" of amazing sexual prowess by veganism, but nevertheless, you've ended up with a campaign where you try to get people to do a particular thing, and then show that thing by boyfriends causing girls to wear neck braces and eyepatches. It's very counter-productive.